Backcountry flugrulle

Förseglad drag, stor bersåfluga

REA-pris€470,95 EUR
Storlek: Black Over Red

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Large Arbor Backcountry Fly Reel II - Tilldelad "Best of the Best" - Field & Stream Magazine - USA

Den snyggaste flugrullen på floden. Vår Backcountry-flugrulle har en slät, förseglad keramisk dragmekanism som kan skryta med 3 kg drag och lätt kan bytas från vänster till högervind.

Superslät förseglad drag, lätt stor berså, smygande satinfinish. Lämplig för både sötvatten och saltvatten.

  • CNC bearbetad av kallsmidet härdat 6061-T6 aluminium,
  • Stor arborspole med hög kapacitet
  • Vattentät förseglad staplad keramisk dragkraft
  • Typ III militär spec hårdanodiserad yta

Lämplig för både söt- och saltvatten

Stor Arbor Spool

Den stora arbor-spolen har en krökt U-formad design som ger styrka och hjälper till att utjämna linjen vid hämtning. Den exponerade rullkanten gör det lätt att palma. En no-nonsens, tuff, vattentät och lätt flugrulle. Episk på alla sätt.

Färdig i en smygande låg glans typ III hårdanodiserad satinfinish tillgänglig i valfri färg så länge den är svart.

Backcountry 3/4: Vikt: 115g (4oz) Kapacitet: Linje + 50m Dia: 84mm

Backcountry 5/6: Vikt: 131g (4.6oz) Kapacitet: Linje + 85m Dia: 94mm

Backcountry 7/8: Vikt: 139 g (4,9 oz) Kapacitet: Linje + 100 m Dia: 104 mm

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Backcountry flugrulle


Do you sweat the details? Yep, us too! In fact, it's a prerequisite when building the greatest fly rods in the world.

Recommended line

3, 4 or 5 weight

Backing Capacity

Up to 50 meters 20lb gel spun backing

Reel Diameter




The Backcountry flugrulle in action

"Exceeded all expectations"

"Exceeded all expectations in every way" Bob Mallard. Author, Writer, Reviewer. USA

"Life Changing"

"This fly rod is a magnificent achievement, I sing it's praises to every serious fly rodder I know"
Macauley Lord. IFFF Master Casting Instructor. Author.

"The quintessential fly rod"

"The quintessential example of what a fly rod should be"
Ian Cole. Guide. Casting Instructor. New Zealand.


Our customer support is available Monday to Friday: 8am-8:30pm.

Real reviews from real fly anglers

Our customers

What our customers have to say about Epic fly rods & our customer service

Fly rod and fly reels combos for fly fishing

Robert - USA

Super Impressed!

I just recently received my 8wt fast glass rod and reel combo. The ordering process, shipment communication, build quality, and packaging care have been first class. I can’t wait to get out and try this new rig on the water. Thanks for your commitment to excellence.

Backcountry Double Fly Rod & Reel Vault

premium quality fly fishing rods made in New Zealand

Richard - USA

A Real Performer

Nice feeling rod took it to NZ in January and it performed really well. When I needed soft presentations it was perfect but still handled everything else. It was great to be able to pack it down and put it in my back pack for those long walk ins.

Reference 5wt 586-6G Backpacking Fly Rod

Epic Fly Rods from New Zealand for fly fishing

Chris - Montana

Mind Blown

I am mind blown. Not only is the rod amazing, but after I had an issue with a damaged section of my brand new rod, I contacted Epic and was treated like a real person who was jist trying to get back on the water. Within jist a few days they responded, resolved and mailed my my replacement parts. That kind of respect and customer service is second to none and I will gladly purchase from them again.

Reference 8wt 888 FastGlass Fly Rod

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