
The French Connection

Fantastic to have our first Epic build partner in France! - a very warm welcome to Eric Montaclair of EM Fishing

Fly Rod Carnage, Australians and Strange Hats

If you are wondering what the hell is going on in the photo's below (and you should be) here's a brief recap and sequence of events that seems to have led to this strange behaviour.

High Performance Glass - a custom fly rod build with a difference.

One of the very best aspects of our job is the huge kick we get seeing the fly rods customers create on their Epic blanks. The creativity and endless possibilities always delight and surprise, and ...

JJ Cale and the trick to Roll casting :: Fly Casting

To help remind you about where to apply the power on the Roll Cast or any fly cast, think about applying power "after midnight"

It's Flyday!

Over the next 20 weeks we'll be featuring some hot fly designs tied by top fly tiers Peter Carty & Clark Reid. Peter & Clark have been busy experimenting with what they can do with Loon's ...

"They seem to be bullet Proof" - An Epic Fly Rod Review From Peter Hayes

The Epic Rods are not heavy in the hand. They are very robust and I doubt you could possibly break one.  They have a beautiful feel and give meaningful feedback to your brain through your casting h...