Brian Bennett Epic Fly Rods Brand Ambassador  star wars fly fishing

Welcome Brian Bennett to the Epic Family

You may not have ever met Brian Bennett, a.k.a. "Grandmaster Fish," but if you regularly pick up a fly rod, he has likely made your fly fishing life better. A veteran of the outdoor industry with a...

EpicpeopleGraphite (Carbon Fiber) vs Fiberglass Fly Rods

Graphite Fly Rods (Carbon Fibre) vs Fiberglass Fly Rods

If you are looking to get a picture of the differences between Graphite fly rods and Fiberglass fly rods, Joe Mahler has the lowdown. Of course, here in New Zealand we refer to these materials a li...

AdventureEpic Fly Rods Saltwater fly fishing Costa Rica

On location with Kameron Brown

Recently we were lucky enough to catch up with our legendary buddy, Kameron Brown. Kam reminds us that having a fly rod handy is always a good idea. Feast your eyes on this collection of images fr...

Adventurefly rods for fly fishing

Fly Fishing By Canoe

  “You’ve found a way to make the hardest way to fish even harder,” my dad told me 45 years ago. Maybe, but nothing has brought me more satisfaction over those years than fly fishing from a canoe. 

Adventurefly fishing with fly rods in swedish lapland

Fjället - Fly Fishing In Swedish Lapland

We all have been there, looking out the window at the shitty weather outside. Dreaming away for a little bit, thinking. I want to be out there again, peacefulness and with nothing to worry about. L...

EpicpeopleHow to choose a Skagit or Scandinavian shooting head for your Two-Hand Fly Rod.