Connecting Loops in Fly Fishing Lines
Whether connection backing to fly line, fly line to leader, or sometimes even tippet to leader, you will use the versatile loop-to-loop connection frequently. Pay special attention when closing the...

Bag of Tricks - Three Useful Fly Casts You’ve Probably Never Seen
Three Useful Fly Casts You’ve Probably Never Seen Fly rodders are among the most resourceful and innovative creatures on earth. If there is a shady nook in the mangroves, a fishy-looking eddy, or a...

Bigger is Better - Big flies, Big fish, Big Fly Rods.
Big flies, Big fish, Big Fly Rods. The day I bought my first fly rod was the day I acquired my first vice. To me there was never a question in my mind, if I take up fly fishing, fly tying has to be...

The Fly Rod-breakin’ Blues - Joe Mahler
At one time or another in every fly fisher’s life he will find himself quietly looking down at a broken rod. That sinking feeling. Maybe it was a favorite, or maybe it’s the night before a bonefish...

Fly Fishing Knots - The Improved Clinch Knot
Improved Clinch Knot - Joe Mahler The improved clinch, to me. Is the ’57 Chevy of knots. There are sleeker and stronger knots, but this one is the classic. When properly tied, seated, and tightened...