Epic fly rods the worlds best fly rods news article

Aotearoa. mountain. culture. (and some fly rods) 1964 Mag'

A while back the nice folks at 1964 mag' did an article on us in their fine mag. That article is now online, and if you're so inclined to read a bit about us, and our journey to making the worlds ...

Adventurefly fishing for trout and salmon

The “Fresh” - Chasing Migratory Fish With A Fly Rod

What are the triggers that make trout & Salmon run at a specific time? Every year trout and salmon leave their feeding grounds and begin to migrate back to the small streams and headwater spawn...

Clipshow to cast tight loops fly casting fly fishing

How to Cast Tight Loops - Fly Fishing & Fly Casting

Casting tight loops are is actually pretty simple in theory. Line and loop shape are primarily dictated by the path the fly rod tip takes during the cast and after the stop. The line does not follo...

Building An Epic Fly Rod Rod (Start To Finish) Using Our Ready To Wrap™ Fly Rod Building Kits

Building An Epic Fly Rod Rod (Start To Finish) Using Our Ready To Wrap™ Fly Rod Building Kits

If you haven't seen it already, make sure you check out our full Epic 590G Rod Building Series on our Blog. In this video, Pierre shows you the steps of building the Epic Fly Rod quickly, just so y...

Adventurefly rod building kit instructions

Epic Fly Rod Build - 590G 5wt Graphene Fly Rod Building Kits (Part 3)

We will be attaching the snake guides, the line guides and the decals onto the rod and finishing the entire build. After you follow the steps in this video, you'll be ready to ship your rod! Pierre...

Epic fly rod building kit videos part 2

Epic Fly Rod Build - 590G 5wt Graphene Fly Rod Building Kit (Part 2)

How to Build Your Own Epic Rod Part 2  This is part 2 of the Epic 590G 5wt Graphene Fly Rod Building Series and in this video, we're finally going to start building the rod! To get started, we're ...