Champ Cuts Cigarette in Two to Show His Skill With Fly (Oct, 1930)
I know a few guys that are pretty damn good with a fly rod, but I wouldn't trust one of those bastards to do this. From the endlessly entertaining Modern Mechanix Blog
Finally managed to sit down and watch the Martin Scorsese documentary on George Harrison - "Living in the Material World" It's a 3 1/2 hr marathon, and is fantastic. Harrison was prolific - and ...
Not all Tippet Materials are Created Equal
Recently we acquired the Stroft agency for New Zealand and Australia. We knew Stroft was good, but just how good didn't become apparent until we compared it with other well known tippet mater...
Itu's Bones Accepted for the Blue Ocean Film Festival
Great news tonight, Itu's Bones has been accepted into the 2012 Blue Ocean Film Festival. We've entered Itu's Bones in the "People and the Sea" category. We'...
Startups, this is how design works
Great article on design featuring Dieter Rams Ten Principles of Good Design Incredible how closely Apples designs resemble Dieters original works for Braun