
70's Custom Epic 686 Fly Rod - Yeah Baby!

FAR OUT!! - Trev' and the team in the workshop have gone all retro on this baby. Stunning workmanship, classic style and attention to detail are the hallmarks of this Funky Collectors 686.

Get a Grip. Fly casting grips part III - Finger on top grip

Christian Stixner,  a good mate of mine from Germany (and expert Cane rod builder) favours this grip, not only is he one of the smoothest casters I've seen he can most certainly punch out a very l...

Destino Yelcho en la Patagonia.

Yelcho region Patagonia - two beautiful video clips from this stunning region.

Get a Grip - Fly Casting Styles - Pt II the Key Grip

Imagine you are holding a set of keys and about to unlock your front door - that’s pretty much it. Knuckles facing up and out, palm down, heel of the thumb down on the grip. You'll form a nice V be...

Carbon Fibre Rod Kits (re) Release

NEW carbon fibre fly rod kit options

Get a grip - Fly casting grip styles

Most fly casters are pretty well focused on improving their fly cast, but few of us give much thought to how we actually grip a fly rod. Over the next few posts we’ll take a look at the three most...