Brian Bennett Epic Fly Rods Brand Ambassador  star wars fly fishing

Welcome Brian Bennett to the Epic Family

You may not have ever met Brian Bennett, a.k.a. "Grandmaster Fish," but if you regularly pick up a fly rod, he has likely made your fly fishing life better. A veteran of the outdoor industry with a...

AnnouncementsBest Fly reel for fly fishing as voted by Field & Stream Magazine

Best of The Best - Best Fly Reel 2022 Field & Stream

The Epic Backcountry Fly Reel - Awarded "Best of the Best" Best fly reel by Field and Stream Magazine USA.

AnnouncementsBest small stream trout fly fishing rod

Best Small Stream Fly Rod

Epic 476 takes out Best Small Stream Fly Rod Award This week we were delighted to hear that an Epic Fiberglass fly rod won “Best Small Stream Trout Rod” - against all comers - Best Fly Rods of...

Announcementsloop to loop connection in fly lines for fly fishing

Connecting Loops in Fly Fishing Lines

Whether connection backing to fly line, fly line to leader, or sometimes even tippet to leader, you will use the versatile loop-to-loop connection frequently. Pay special attention when closing the...

AnnouncementsFly rod breakage

The Fly Rod-breakin’ Blues - Joe Mahler

At one time or another in every fly fisher’s life he will find himself quietly looking down at a broken rod. That sinking feeling. Maybe it was a favorite, or maybe it’s the night before a bonefish...

AdventureEpic fly rods the worlds best fly rods news article

Aotearoa. mountain. culture. (and some fly rods) 1964 Mag'

A while back the nice folks at 1964 mag' did an article on us in their fine mag. That article is now online, and if you're so inclined to read a bit about us, and our journey to making the worlds ...