How to choose the best fly rod for fly fishing
Fly Casting

Tips til, hvordan du vælger den rigtige fluestang - The Epic Flue Rod Quiz

At vælge den rigtige fluestang er ikke nogen let opgave, længde, kraft, arter, fiskeforhold og den type fluer, du vil kaste skal alt sammen overvejes nøje.

Fly Castingfly casting tips for fly fishing

Fly Casting - Put a Wiggle In It

Four fly casts for drag-free presentations You cast the fly beautifully and accurately in the direction of a deeding trout. As the fly drifts downstream, first the fly line and then the leader, beg...

Fly CastingFly casting tips how to shoot a fly line

Fly Casting - Sharpen Your Shooting

Double your line length in a single cast without false casting Any fly fisher knows that stripping in and lengthening - or “shooting” line - is part of the fly-fishing process. Understanding how an...

Fly CastingFly Fishing knots, how to tie the nail knot

Fly Fishing Knots - How To Tie the Nail Knot

How to Tie the Nail Knot The nail knot is the time-honored method for attaching fly line to leader. While it does require retying when changing leaders, this connection is a good choice for gentle ...

EpicpeopleHow to choose a Skagit or Scandinavian shooting head for your Two-Hand Fly Rod.
Fly CastingHow to choose the right fly line fly rod fly fishing best fly line for trout

Sådan vælger du den rigtige flueline til din fluestang - Hvad er den bedste fluesnøre til ørred?

Valg af den rigtige flueline. Hvis der er ét stykke fluefiskerudstyr, der skaber mere forvirring end noget andet, er det flueliner. Eller mere specifikt, hvilken fluesinetype, mærke eller taper, de...