How to fly cast further fly fishing
Fly Casting

7 tips til at øge din fluekastafstand

Føj 10 fod til dit fluekast - pronto! Et sted hen ad linjen, hvem har ikke villet kaste bare lidt længere. Selvom dette ikke er beregnet til at være en lektion om all out distance casting

Fly CastingTips for casting in windy conditions

Inherit the Wind - Tips for casting in windy conditions

Wind, in many great fishing destinations, is always a factor. While it can make fly casting challenging, the wind also has its advantages, such as being able to get closer to the fish without spook...

Fly CastingFly Fishing for Trout

5 tips til at forbedre dit fluefiskeri.

Det er ikke bare et spørgsmål om pris, men medmindre du får rigtig glæde ud af ikke at bruge penge, vil et billigt outfit ikke give dig fornøjelsen af ​​en rigtig god vilje. Og fornøjelsen ved et g...

Fly CastingFly Fishing Double Haul

Double Down - Understanding and maximising your Double Haul Part 2

Double Down - Understanding and maximising your Double Haul Part 2 By Joe Mahler In this, the second part of Double Down - Understanding and maximising your Double Haul we start with the backhand H...

Fly CastingFly Fishing fly casting Tailing Loops and how to fix them fly casting

Fluefiskeri & fluekastning - haleløkker og hvordan man helbreder dem

Efter at have set et par haler og skabt mere end min rimelige andel - mest helt ufrivilligt - tror jeg, det er bedst at holde tingene relativt enkle. Når alt kommer til alt, handler vi alle om flue...

Adventurefly rods for fly fishing

Fly Fishing By Canoe

  “You’ve found a way to make the hardest way to fish even harder,” my dad told me 45 years ago. Maybe, but nothing has brought me more satisfaction over those years than fly fishing from a canoe.