Last year at one of our regular "How do we make these better" chats (we dont have any meetings around here) - Trev suggested we take a closer look at the new Fuji Torzite stripping guides - I have ...

Fly Rod Building - Unboxing an Epic Ready To Wrap Fly Rod Building Kit
What's in the box? The guys over at MidCurrent film the unboxing on one of our Fly Rod Building kits - the 476 FastGlass Fly rod building kit in this case.

Fly Fishing - Unboxing the Boca Grande 12wt Fiberglass Fly Rod
"The rod built to tame serious beasts! The 12 weight Boca Grande from Epic.This one did not come in a kit but its a studio built beauty!"

Fly Fishing - More thoughts on “selective" trout from Bob Wyatt
"We know that simple-brained animals like trout can’t deal with a lot of information at once, so while they are hunting they probably can’t think of much else. This isn’t selectivity but tunnel vi...

Fly Fishing / Fly Casting - the Roll Cast
Fly Casting - The Roll Cast. I can't over emphasise how important this cast is. Deceptively simple, the Roll Cast is the most useful and versatile cast there is - more so than the fundamental over...

Fly Rod Building Wrapping Guides
Fly Rod Building - Wrapping Guides. A nice clip from Epic Ambassador Norbert Renaud showing how to wrap our 888 - 8 weight FastGlass fly rod blank