Pick Up Lines - Tips to Improve Your Fly Fishing & Fly Casting
Pick Up Lines – Joe Mahler. Like the first spoken words when meeting someone new, so are the first movements of a fly cast. Did the cast begin smoothly and effortlessly, or did it start with a sudd...

Tips for Top Fly Fishing from a New Zealand Guide
It has been quite noticeable over 25 years of guiding that fly fishers rarely practice their casting techniques from one year to the next, often leaving any practice to only when they fish. Fortuna...

Fly Fishing - The 5 Essentials of Good Fly Casting
Bill Gammels 5 Essentials of Good Fly Casting. I have always maintained that if you want to improve your fly fishing the place to focus your effort is on improving your fly casting and presentation...

How & Why You Should Clean Your Fly Line
Why clean your fly line? Fly lines are expensive and there's more than one reason a little cleaning, care and maintenance will pay dividends. As you'll see in a moment there are a couple of very go...

7 Tips to Increase Your Fly Casting Distance
Add 10 feet to your fly cast - pronto! Somewhere along the line who hasn’t wanted to cast just a little further. While this isn’t intended to be a lesson on all out distance casting

10 Best Trout Flies For Fly Fishing Fresh Water
The reason they work so well is because of the way a trout’s brain works. These fly designs are based on the most important ‘triggers’ to a trout’s feeding response – a fly’s size, shape and postur...