Cutting through the bullshit - The “Mono” Vs Fluoro’ debate. Monofilament vs fluorocarbon

Cutting through the bullshit - The “Mono” Vs Fluoro’ debate. Monofilament vs fluorocarbon

Monofilament vs fluorocarbon. I believe it’s Lefty that is credited with saying “There’s more bullshit in fly fishing than in a Texas cattle yard” (excuse the French) A phrase that is no more ap...

AnnouncementsMeet The Epic Crew - Hiroyuki Yakuwa - Japan

Meet The Epic Crew - Hiroyuki Yakuwa - Japan

Getting Epic In Japan We're stoked to welcome Hiroyuki Yakuwa of Japan to the Epic crew! Trout Shop Anglers Hut Owner - Fishing Pro Guide Japan Fly fishi...

AnnouncementsBest Fiberglass Fly Rods

FiberGlass Fly Rods - From Glass to Back: Coming Full Circle

The first decent glass fly rod I owned was a vintage brown glass Fenwick. A tad short, a bit stiff, and with a plastic triangular tube that didn’t hold its shape and couldn’t keep its cap, it worke...

ClipsKnot Tool Instructions

Knot Tying Combo Tool Instructions

Contrary to popular opinion that strange appendage on your nippers is not for cleaning your fingernails. Epic Ambassador Kunio shows how to tie a nail knot using the Tie-Fast Knot Tool

ClipsHow to Fillet a Fish

How to Fillet a Trout - the right way

Filleting a trout - the quick and easy way!

Pic of the Week - Fly Fishing New Zealand. Shannan Crow - @troutscapes_nz

Pic of the Week - Fly Fishing New Zealand. Shannan Crow - @troutscapes_nz

Pic of the Week - Fly Fishing New Zealand. Shannan Crow - @troutscapes_nz