Fly Rod Building - New Reel Seat options added
Custom fly rod reel seat inserts now available in our Ready To Wrap fly rod building kits

Fly Rod Building - The Live Sessions
In this hr long live fly rod building video Norbert covers all the steps and answers questions about building a fly rod from our Bandit 'Ready To Wrap' Fly Rod Building Kit.

Fly Rod Building - The Epic 888 Fly Rod Building Kit
The Epic 888 Fly Rod Building Kit Join Epic Ambassador Norbert Renaud as demonstrates building a fly rod using the Epic 888 Fly Rod Building Kit.

Lessons From A New Zealand Fly Fishing Guide
As a fly fishing guide working in the South Island of New Zealand our normal clientele would be international anglers - but with the whole world wide pandemic our client base has changed to the dom...

Fly Fishing For Sea Run Brown Trout
Epic Ambassador Peter Corzilius reflects on a recent Sea Run Brown Trout session in Sweden Catching a large trout on a fly rod is the greatest achievement for many fly anglers. For most anglers tro...

When you go through all the above considerations in choosing a fly rod, you will get a strong rod and, of course, the proper material used to make it. There are several fly rod material types, incl...