Featurette on the New Sage Website
Itus' Bones featurette on the New Sage Website If you managed to catch the Fly Fishing Film Tour or have been following what we've been up to these past months you'll know that we've go...
After an 8 month wait, Apple have finally launched Once in a Blue Moon on iTunes! It's the first (and only) Fly Fishing Film on the platform and can be rented or purchased in standard def, or re...
Once in a Blue Moon New Artwork
After about 18 months of fluffing around I've finally managed to find the time to update the cover artwork for Once in a Blue Moon. I've thought for some time that the cover just doesn't do the f...
Received a couple of emails asking where the "curve cast video is" - the one we made for Casts that Catch Fish In this clip I show a very simple and easy way to throw curves. Here's tis - If you ...
Hi-Viz Orange Practice Fly lines
The single most common question generated from our YouTube Casting clips is "What's that orange fly line you are using" (Closely followed by "What Rod" and "what Camera") For the past few year...
This week I've been working through some of the shots we took on Aitutaki in November - it's a mission. Jeanie took these three on a rare day off from atop a tourist boat out on the lagoon. I've ...