Making fly fishing your business means you get to see the best and worst of it, you also get to spend time with many different & diverse characters from all over the globe. Most good, some not so good, and a few that are truly talented, devoted & sincere people.
Australia's Brian Henderson would be the one of most talented fly casters & teachers I've had the privilege of meeting. Brian is the consummate professional.
Brain has been teaching & guiding since Adam played halfback for the Israelites, and I reckon he's one of those guys that has likely forgotten more about fly fishing and fly casting than most of us will ever know, a nicer, more genuine & down-to-earth bloke you will never meet.
So when Brian showed an interest in our Epic rods a few moths back I jumped at the chance to make one up for him. A large chunk of Brian's fishing involves chasing some very difficult to catch saltwater species, a 580 in So Blue with a fighting butt was the weapon of choice - and it seems to have done the business so far.
It's a great feeling to get positive feedback from people that actually know their shit ('Scuse the French) - so much more so than some pro staff twit greasing up their supplier having never actually cast any other rod but for the freebees courtesy of said sponsor. I should know, I was a pro staffer for years.
I asked Brain if I could share this & an earlier reference he gave to a prospective Epic Customer, and he gave the OK - So here's the report I got back from Brian a week or two back.
Re: Epic Rods (names removed for privacy)
If you want some of the best fly casting instruction and guided fly fishing available anywhere, give Brian a shout. I will be.
Brian Henderson
FFF-Master Certified Casting Instructor
ph-0402 315 799X
Australia's Brian Henderson would be the one of most talented fly casters & teachers I've had the privilege of meeting. Brian is the consummate professional.
Brain has been teaching & guiding since Adam played halfback for the Israelites, and I reckon he's one of those guys that has likely forgotten more about fly fishing and fly casting than most of us will ever know, a nicer, more genuine & down-to-earth bloke you will never meet.
So when Brian showed an interest in our Epic rods a few moths back I jumped at the chance to make one up for him. A large chunk of Brian's fishing involves chasing some very difficult to catch saltwater species, a 580 in So Blue with a fighting butt was the weapon of choice - and it seems to have done the business so far.
It's a great feeling to get positive feedback from people that actually know their shit ('Scuse the French) - so much more so than some pro staff twit greasing up their supplier having never actually cast any other rod but for the freebees courtesy of said sponsor. I should know, I was a pro staffer for years.
I asked Brain if I could share this & an earlier reference he gave to a prospective Epic Customer, and he gave the OK - So here's the report I got back from Brian a week or two back.
Hi Carl,
On Sunday I took 2 clients rock fishing for salmon tailor and bream.I decided to take the Epic 580 just to put it to the test.An 8ft 5wt rod off the rocks with these species a big ask.
I hooked a large bream (see attached photo) that did it's best to bust me off under a rock shelf,I Was absolutely amazed at how much pressure I could put on him with such a lightweight rod.
We caught all 3 species and I have to say your rod performed way beyond my expectations. It is a pleasure to cast and fish with, thanks for producing such a great rod.
Many Thanks
Re: Epic Rods (names removed for privacy)
I am using an Epic 580 rod it is now my rod of choice for flaties, bream, & whiting and I will be trying it out on the bass this summer. I am going to Jindy in November and I can't wait to try it out on Trout. I have also cast the 4 and 6 wt versions the 6 is a cannon.
The other thing I like about the Epic range is they are almost unbreakable and when you are letting lots of different people use your rods that becomes a major factor for me.
As you know I love my Z Axis but I now find myself picking up the epic each time I go for a cast or a fish.
I have tried casting a number of Rods with the same line on each and the Epic consistently out casts all of them, which is amazing given that the Epic is shorter.
The Epic loads smoothly and has heaps of grunt, it is a fantastic fishing tool. I am in the process of setting up a boat to chase some of the pelagic's up here and I intend fit it out with all Epic rods.I know if you get an Epic you will be more than happy with it.
If you want some of the best fly casting instruction and guided fly fishing available anywhere, give Brian a shout. I will be.
Brian Henderson
FFF-Master Certified Casting Instructor
ph-0402 315 799X