Epic Fly Rods

Ode To A Fly Rod

Giving the Epic 590 a workout on Zorro Spring Creek in the Chilean Andes last January. I was consistently amazed at the way that rod performed in a variety of circumstances. I mentioned utility in ...

Atlantic Salmon


President George H. Bush and angler Claude Westfall with the last Presidential Salmon. Then Maine U.S. Senator Olympia Snowe (3rd from right) looks on –  C.Z. Westfall photo Last Call: Saving th...

ClipsFly Rod Building how to videos

Fly Rod Building Videos - Guide wraps, Epoxy and Fly Rod Grips

How to build a fly rod. A collection of fly rod building videos intended to help explain some of the processes required when putting together one of our Ready To Wrap Fly Rod Building Kits

Fly Rod BuildingFly rod building cap and ring fly reel seat

Fly Rod Building - How to Glue a Cap and Ring Reel Seat & Grip (Epic 370)

Fly Rod Building with Epic Ambassador Peter Corzilius as he shows how to glue a Cap & Ring reel seat and grip on a fly rod

ClipsHow to epoxy fly rod guides fly rod building

How To Epoxy Fly Rod Guides - Fly Rod Building - Epic Ready To Wrap Fly Rod Kit

Fly Rod Building with Epic Ambassador Peter Corzilius as he shows how to apply epoxy finish to guide wraps on a fly rod.

Fly Rod Buildingfly rod building kits how to Find the spine on a fly rod

Fly Rod Building. How to find find the spine on a fly rod blank and mark guide spacings.

Fly Rod Building with Epic Ambassador Peter Corzilius as he shows how to find the spine (not spline) on a fly rod blank and mark out the guide spacings