How to choose the right fly line for your fly rod - What is the best fly line for trout?
Choosing the right fly line. If there's one piece of fly fishing equipment that causes more confusion than any other it’s fly lines. Or more specifically, what fly line type, brand or taper is best...

Connecting Loops in Fly Fishing Lines
Whether connection backing to fly line, fly line to leader, or sometimes even tippet to leader, you will use the versatile loop-to-loop connection frequently. Pay special attention when closing the...

Fly Casting - Accuracy Above All
Fly fishing and fly casting - Accuracy above all. With Joe Mahler “Now, drop it in there again, but this time a quarter-inch to the left.” I had just placed my fly in a doormat-sized opening in t...

The Fly Rod-breakin’ Blues - Joe Mahler
At one time or another in every fly fisher’s life he will find himself quietly looking down at a broken rod. That sinking feeling. Maybe it was a favorite, or maybe it’s the night before a bonefish...

Fly Fishing Knots - The Improved Clinch Knot
Improved Clinch Knot - Joe Mahler The improved clinch, to me. Is the ’57 Chevy of knots. There are sleeker and stronger knots, but this one is the classic. When properly tied, seated, and tightened...

How To Tie The Slim Beauty Knot
The slim beauty is one of the most popular fly fishing knots in use today. It is a great knot for connecting class tippets to shock tippets as well as tippet sections to butt sections. This knot is...