Fly Rod Building - The Live Sessions
In this hr long live fly rod building video Norbert covers all the steps and answers questions about building a fly rod from our Bandit 'Ready To Wrap' Fly Rod Building Kit.

Fly Rod Building - The Epic 888 Fly Rod Building Kit
The Epic 888 Fly Rod Building Kit Join Epic Ambassador Norbert Renaud as demonstrates building a fly rod using the Epic 888 Fly Rod Building Kit.

Fly Fishing - 5 Tips to Improve Your Fly Casting
Becoming a good fly caster is a little like being a proficient musician, it takes time, practice and some knowledge of the theory behind it all. Here are 5 simple tips that will help improve your f...

Fly Rod Building Videos - Guide wraps, Epoxy and Fly Rod Grips
How to build a fly rod. A collection of fly rod building videos intended to help explain some of the processes required when putting together one of our Ready To Wrap Fly Rod Building Kits

How To Epoxy Fly Rod Guides - Fly Rod Building - Epic Ready To Wrap Fly Rod Kit
Fly Rod Building with Epic Ambassador Peter Corzilius as he shows how to apply epoxy finish to guide wraps on a fly rod.

How To Wrap Fly Rod Guides - Fly Rod Building - Epic Ready to Wrap Fly Rod Building Kit
Wrapping Guides. Fly Rod Building with Epic Ambassador Peter Corzilius as he shows how to wrap the snake guides on a fly rod blank.