A couple of great shots taken a while back by Cameron Mortenson from over at the Fiberglass Manifesto - I've been meaning to share them for many weeks, but have just been swamped - so here they a...
Fly rod blanks tend to naturally want to bed more in one direction that another. This is caused by an effect called the “Spine” and often there is more than one on a blank. The s...
The L U N A R Hubless Fly Reel Like every project I've worked on so far - our films and DVD's included, I employ a pretty simple design philosophy. "Look at what everyone else is doing - and don'...
Champ Cuts Cigarette in Two to Show His Skill With Fly (Oct, 1930)
I know a few guys that are pretty damn good with a fly rod, but I wouldn't trust one of those bastards to do this. From the endlessly entertaining Modern Mechanix Blog
1956 World Champion Fly Fishing Demonstration - Inspirational!
Super 16, just awesome!
Received a couple of emails asking where the "curve cast video is" - the one we made for Casts that Catch Fish In this clip I show a very simple and easy way to throw curves. Here's tis - If you ...