Itu's Bones Hits the Shelves

  Done and dusted! It's been a long time coming, but we're delighted to let you know that Itu's Bones is finally finished and ready to roll out. The film tells the story of expert Bonef...

Promo clip for our friends at MSX Fly Fishing in Sweden

MSX Fly Fishing -- Field testing in NZ. A short clip we put together for MSX Fly Fishing while Stefan was here in New Zealand - supposedly testing the new rods and lines...  


  We'll, we're all but there. It's been a while, I know. The artwork for Itu's Bones is done and dusted and the NTSC Master is winging it's way to the replicator. The PAL version will follow shortl...

Top 10 Best Selling Fly Fishing DVDs

The Top 10 Best Selling Fly Fishing DVDs Once in a Blue Moon in at number two. Brad Pit, he's a hard act to follow. ...gotta work on that  

New Mag' Adverts

Mag Ad. Not a lot more to say really.