Tips on Skagit Tips - Spey casting tips from April Vokey
The first Spey line that I ever purchased came packaged in a box as thick as an encyclopedia. Like a book cover designed to culminate my curiosity, the word ‘Spey’ prominently highlighted the box’...
Fly Cast Friday - Fly Casting in the wind - the three L's
I get a lot of anglers and customers asking about our fly rods and casting in windy conditions. The short answer is that battling the wind has more to do with technique and skill than the type or ...
Fly Cast Friday - Simple Curves
At times you’ll want to be able to throw a line around a corner – usually to get around an obstacle like a tree trunk or rock. And this is where your curve casts come in. Now, there are many way...
Fly Cast Friday - The Tuck Cast
The tuck cast, or tuck mend is a great cast for getting heavily weighted nymphs or even streamers quickly down into the water column. If you’re fishing with weight the last thing you want is a tigh...
Here at Swift we get to build fly rods for some pretty interesting customers and from all walks of life. There are more than a couple of rock stars and at least one mega movie star (that we know of...
Great shots from Markus Haldin of You Name It in Finland. These guys are big supporters of our Epic brand and have been building some really tricked out rods.