Fly Rod Building

A Special Epic 580 Fly Rod Build

The sublime work of Christian Hörgren from Fine Tackle Sweden 

Christians work is incredibly precise, subtle and understated. These are stunning and elegant fly rods.

Christian painstakingly documented the step by step build of this stunner and Cameron over at The Fiberglass Manifesto published the full process over the month of May here
This rod was built as a surprise gift, it arrived back in our shop a couple of weeks ago, has been polished and is about to be packed up and sent off to it’s new owner.
I wanted to grab some shots before we say goodbye.
Hopefully we’ll manage to get more pics up and a reaction from the new owner.
I’d be stoked ;-)

(click to zoom up)
Custom Epic Fiberglass Fly Rod by Christian Horgren
Custom Epic Fiberglass Fly Rod by Christian Horgren
Custom Epic Fiberglass Fly Rod by Christian Horgren
Custom Epic Fiberglass Fly Rod by Christian Horgren
Custom Epic Fiberglass Fly Rod by Christian Horgren
Epic Fiberglass Fly Rod by Christian Horgren
Epic Fiberglass Fly Rod by Christian Horgren
Epic Fiberglass Fly Rod by Christian Horgren
Epic Fiberglass Fly Rod by Christian Horgren


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